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Nurturing the Community Through Volunteering

  • April 11, 2018
  • RPh on the Go

pharmacist volunteerMany pharmacists and students are so passionate about wanting to help communities that they overlook the very real opportunities to volunteer, learn, and care for the community abroad. Just like Doctors Without Borders, pharmacists have lots of potential outlets to hone their craft and passions with volunteering. Below are a few opportunities we wanted to share with you today.

American Pharmacists Association

The American Pharmacists Association (APHA) is an excellent membership to hold in the pharmacy field. They are advocates, educators, and an excellent resource for networking for students and those already working in the field. They also offer volunteer positions that are designed to bring the pharmaceutical community together and advocate on the behalf of pharmacists and patients. Currently, they are looking for mentors, health ambassadors, positions within the House of Delegates, committee chairs and members, and for those to work on the Specialty Council. If you want to get knee deep into working with colleagues and expanding your resume, there are some amazing opportunities available!

Work the World

Work the World is a website that is focused on global internships for those who work in the medical field. Pharmacy internships are a fantastic way to bring your skills and improve them in another part of the world that is in desperate need of help in medicines. It will give plenty of weight to your resume and you will have the amazing chance to explore an entirely new culture. We recommend this particular opportunity because they run year-round which means you can go when you want to and for how long you want to. They also have private housing for all the interns so that they do have familiarity in their living situation and it’s a great way to process your experience with others in the field.

Student Volunteering with the VA

Volunteering with the VA is targeted to students. They look for volunteers in a wide variety of areas in the medical field and pharmacy is one of them. This is an excellent way to take care of our veterans and is perfect for the student who wants to work with veterans. Yes, this will certainly help expand your resume and the learning opportunities will be immeasurable and helpful. We highly encourage students to spend some time volunteering with Veteran’s Affairs and do their part to take care of our military family.

Focus on Your Passions

Before you engage in any volunteer program, we suggest you spend some time thinking about which direction you want to take your career and what you are truly passionate about. There is no wrong choice when you focus on what makes you feel like you are doing the right thing for your career. If you currently volunteer with an organization, please mention them in the comments. We would love to share as many opportunities as possible with the pharmaceutical community.

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