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Promoting National Nutrition Month this March

  • March 20, 2013
  • RPh on the Go

Promoting National Nutrition Month this March

National Nutrition Month is an important way that pharmacies can interact with their customers and educate them on the benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, and other illnesses are just some of the issues that can be combated by education on healthy living, healthy eating, and starting a new lifestyle.

Fortunately, pharmacies are not alone in their efforts. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has press kits, literature, and brochures that pharmacies can print and distribute to their customers. This material includes a look into the AND’s newest campaign, “Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day.” recognizing the variety of cultural differences that contribute to what foods we enjoy throughout our lifetimes. The AND’s website suggests offering a nutrition question per day, and pharmacies could adapt these questions to suit their customers. Pharmacies may also send a “National Nutrition Month Tip of the Day” to their customers via the EatRight.Org website. Special interest cookbooks such as diabetes, low-carb, or vegetarian cookbooks can be placed near the pharmacy to highlight cooking, instead of eating out as a way to begin on the path to healthier nutrition.

Pharmacies may choose to network within their local community and reach out to other initiatives. Having a National Nutrition Month cooking demonstration at a culinary school would be another way to get customers involved in making healthier choices. Highlighting ethnic and cultural foods in your area is a great way to get customers talking. Pharmacies may also attempt to contact their local government legislators to request that an official proclamation be made to their city, drawing attention to National Nutrition Month.

Healthy nutrition may also combat colds, flu, and other illnesses. Printing AND’s materials and creating points-of-interest next to cold medicine displays, diabetes testing kits, and other areas of customer interest is a key way to get them talking about nutrition. Mentioning heart health, and healthy foods such as chia seeds, whole grains, and new ways to try vegetable dishes are just some of the ways that pharmacy staff can begin dialogue with customers about National Nutrition Month.

Encouraging customers to eat healthy and take charge of their nutrition is something that should be touched on 365 days a year; but the time to raise further awareness to an issue that affects all of us is now. National Nutrition Month is a perfect time to connect with community, leadership, and customers to discuss healthy lifestyle habits and form connections around things that matter most. Pharmacies can be at the forefront of the discussion when they offer tools and resources to their customers that help shed light on these important issues.


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