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Communication Skills Crucial in Home Infusion Pharmacy

  • April 10, 2009
  • RPh on the Go

Choosing the career path of Home Infusion Pharmacy brings you into a branch of Pharmacy that will require you to have intensive communication skills and that will also bring you very close to the patients that you serve.

At Rph on the Go, your personal Career Consultant will work with you to help you choose which branch of Pharmacy you wish to pursue. The rising number of Home Infusion Pharmacies around the country is creating a high demand for Pharmacists in this area. More and more patients, for a variety of reasons, are opting for home health care rather than inpatient treatment.

If you enjoy heavy interaction with your patients and the nursing staff that administers to them, this may be the niche for you.

When a patient is treating a serious disease but is allowed to do so in the comfort and privacy of their own home, they create a special bond with their Pharmacist that naturally develops through human nature. Your ongoing monitoring of the results of their treatment and interaction with other members of the health care staff involved will bring you very close to these patients at times. You are literally the “lifeline”, the key link, in this patient’s medical treatment and if you are a “people person” you may find this very rewarding and possibly emotionally trying at times.

Interacting with the patient will require you to be able to reassure them when they are fearful and advise them on a technical level so that they have a clear understanding of their treatment and what they can expect. They will be looking to you for answers and you will be there to educate them.

Many big chain retailers nationwide are now offering 24/7 home infusion services, creating a large need for staff. At Rph on the Go we know what those opportunities are and can provide the staff required. Is this the career path for you? Sign up with us today and begin working with your Personal Career Consultant. We care about you and your career path and we want to set you up to succeed.

Do you want to learn more about Rph on the Go? Read our Newsletter or check out our listing of Pharmacist Positions on a state-by-state basis.

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