Tips for Your First Day in a New Pharmacy Job
You’ve completed your certifications, aced the interview, and landed your first job in a pharmacy. Congratulations! This is an exciting time as you start your new career, but it can also be a little nerve-wracking, as well. You’ll want to make a great first impression, but there is no need to stress yourself out about it. Just follow these tips for your first day at your new pharmacy job and you’ll feel right at home in no time at all!
Get an Early Start
Be sure to arrive early on your first day to familiarize yourself with the building and to get a jump on any necessary paperwork. You definitely don’t want to be late on your first day and start things off on a negative note.
Make a Good First Impression
Be sure that you are dressed properly and follow any instructions you were given about what you’ll need to bring the first day. Take the time to introduce yourself to your co-workers and any supervisors that you might not have met yet.
Ask Relevant Questions
When you have questions about procedures or where to find certain supplies or equipment, don’t waste time trying to figure things out on your own the first day. Instead, rely on those who have been around for a while, and ask for the help you need.
Learn Everything You Can
Take the time to learn every aspect of running the pharmacy that you can. Even if you are higher up in the chain of command, knowing and understanding all of the various tasks that come together to make things run as a cohesive unit is so very important.
Take Copious Notes
You’ll be hit with a lot of information on the first day. Bring along a notebook and write down everything you’ll need to remember. Later on, when you’re on your own, you’ll have something to refer back to if you need to double check yourself.
Don’t Play the Know-it-All
No one likes a know-it-all, so avoid going in and immediately offering a better way to do things, even when there is one. Instead, follow the current procedures for a bit and find a diplomatic way to suggest changes later on when you’re a bit more comfortable in your position.
Be Generous with Thanks
Take the time to thank the people who have helped you throughout your first days on the job. You’ll quickly earn their respect and they truly do deserve your appreciation. Even though it may be their job, everyone likes to hear a hearty “thank you” now and then.
Though starting a new job can be stressful, by following these tips, you can make the best possible impression and get started in your new position on the right foot. Just remember to be friendly, attentive, and appreciative to those around you and you’ll be feeling comfortable and confident in your new pharmacy in no time at all.
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