An eloquent answer in the New York Times this weekend.
Blog: Pharmacy News & Industry Information - Page 59
Most recently tested in Vermont but also used in areas of Alaska and Montana, automatic dispensing units are increasing the flexibility of consumers to pick up their prescriptions. The machines allow a pharmacist in one location to dispense medications for patients over larger geographical areas. The operation of the machines depends first on a pharmacist […]
An Illinois judge is enacting a temporary rule that two pharmacists who have religious objections cannot be forced to dispense the “morning after pill”. The pharmacists object to the use of the pill because they believe its use is comparable to abortion. The judge issued a restraining order that allows the two (who own a […]
Rph on the Go can write the prescription for your successful pharmacy career. Your Rph on the Go Career Consultant will know what opportunities exist, tell us where you want to live, what type of setting you prefer to work in and we will do the rest. Instead of sending out resume after resume hoping […]
Choosing the career path of Home Infusion Pharmacy brings you into a branch of Pharmacy that will require you to have intensive communication skills and that will also bring you very close to the patients that you serve.
At Rph on the Go, your personal Career Consultant will work with you to help you choose which branch of Pharmacy you wish to pursue. The rising number of Home Infusion Pharmacies around the country is creating a high demand for Pharmacists in